Open Calls

Consent and Sexual Violence

Besides the calls for themed submissions, ex æquo accepts manuscripts and reviews continuously for non-themed sections. See the form and preparation of manuscripts at

Journal presentation

ex æquo is a biannual international interdisciplinay journal, edited by the Portuguese Association of Women’s Studies (Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres - APEM), since 1999. It aims to contribute to the development, visibility and legitimation of the knowledge produced by Women’s, Feminist and Gender Studies.

Articles submitted for publication undergo a blind independent review by at least two recognised specialists drawn from a range of countries. ex æquo, without prejudice to the plurality and multiplicity of perspectives present in the published articles and reviews, reserves the right to only accept contributions which respect fundamental human rights, reflecting the respect for diversity, integrity and dignity of human condition.

Given its assumed purpose of "contributing to changing discriminatory and stereotyped practices and representations on the basis of sex or identities" (Editorial of issue n.º 16 reiterating editorial principles expressed in issue n.º 1), ex æquo publishes articles that include a theoretical reflection and contribute "the problematization of the main issues that affect social relations between women and men in society" (ibidem). Articles must be original, written in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English and adopt a non-discriminatory, inclusive language and promoter of equality. Publication in ex æquo is free of charge for authors (there is no article processing charge or publication fee).


ex æquo is indexed in: Scopus, Web of Science-Clarivate Analytics (SciELO Citation Index), SciELO, CAPES, DOAJ, ERIH Plus, Latindex and Virtual Library of Women's History.

Open access statement and copyright & licensing

ex æquo is a diamond open access journal, which means it does not charge any article processing charge (APC) to authors, and all content is freely available to the user or her/his institution without charge.

All content published on this website is available in open access, under a Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY NC. Anyone is allowed to share and adapt the material, if the appropriate attribution is given, and if it is used for non-commercial purposes and without applying additional restrictions.

Scope and policy

  • Acknowledging that Women’s Studies, Gender Studies and Feminist Studies have an increasing multidisciplinary character, as well as thematic diversity and plurality of theoretical and epistemological perspectives, the journal also has an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary character and is open to contributions of multiple disciplines and currents of thought. Considering that the founding structure of the journal is APEM (Portuguese Association of Women’s Studies), the objective of ex æquo is to contribute to the transformation of stereotyped practices and representations on the basis of sex or other identity factors, namely by adopting a non-discriminatory and inclusive language that may help to promote equality. On the same vein, empirical research can and must be the basis for articles that include a theoretical thinking and contribute to the questioning of the main aspects that affect gender relations in society.
    ex æquo, while keeping a plurality and multiplicity of perspectives in the texts it publishes, reserves the right only to accept texts that reflect the value of diversity of the human being and of its integrity and dignity, respecting at the same time the principle of defence of fundamental Human Rights.

  • Areas of interest of the journal are Women’s Studies, Gender Studies and Feminist Studies.

  • ex æquo publishes original texts in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English, from all scientific areas, that fall within the framework of Women’s Studies, Gender Studies and Feminist Studies. It publishes also bibliographical reviews of works in the same areas.

  • The journal is mainly addressed at researchers and students in its areas of interest; at the same time, it tries to reach the public at large, aiming at raising awareness in regard to the same areas of knowledge.

Free access for readers and authors.

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