Modos de habitar la rabia contra la misoginia en Vis a Vis (2015-2020)

48 | 2023

Emma Gómez Nicolau*, Rebeca Maseda García**, María José Gámez Fuentes***

* Universitat Jaume I, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Departamento de Filosofía y Sociología, España
** University of Alaska Anchorage, Department of Languages, United States of America
*** Universitat Jaume I, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, España

Modes of Inhabiting Rage Against Misogyny in Vis a Vis (2015-2020)

This study examines the TV series Vis a Vis through the operationalization of the concept of anger competence (Chemaly 2018), which refers to the subject’s ability to express anger. But we put it into dialogue with Lorde’s (1981) consideration of anger as “productive” only when it transforms conditions of violence and/or injustice. In that sense, we contend that the narrative approach of the series does not reproduce the usual stigmatization of women’s rage but rather legitimizes its expression as a response to misogyny, and exposes the practices and structures of subjecti(ficati)on from an intersectional perspective. To demonstrate this, we analyze how the enraged subject is constructed through the axes of class and race, what the mediatization of anger reveals, and its effects.


rage, women, television, misogyny, intersectionality

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