Autobiographies of feminist generations. Some reflections on narrating feminist stories

30 | 2014

Marilisa Malizia

Department of Political and Social Sciences – University of Bologna, Italy

Borrowing the cartographical mode of theorising generationality of feminist theory, this article proposes to consider the possibility of applying it to the construction of women’s memory. Considering particularly the interviewer/narrator relationship in an oral history framework, it is the reciprocal «restitution of subjectivity» which enable me to look at the transmission of women's memory in terms of maps, compositions, and cyclical as opposed to linear time. This article seeks to problematize the narration of feminist stories, how they are transmitted, which the complex dynamics of passing on in feminist (hi)stories are, which the effects on thinking generationality in a relational construction of memory are.


memory, feminist generations, women’s time, oral history

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