Dos direitos aos “pós-direitos”: a plataformização jornalística dos direitos das mulheres

49 | 2024

Elizângela Carvalho Noronha

Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), Lisboa, Portugal

From Rights to “Post-Rights”: The journalistic platformization of women’s rights

The history of feminist movements has been marked by the fight for the human rights of girls and women and the search for equal opportunities for people of different genders, races/ethnicities and social classes. In this article, we analyse the (re)configuration of rights defended by women's movements into "post-rights" based on news published on two digital platforms for women: Delas (Portugal) and Universa (Brazil). To this end, we adopt Critical Discourse Analysis as a methodological approach, in connection with feminist media studies and critical realism, to understand the mechanisms of discursive engineering underlying the process of platformization of women's rights in Delas and Universa.


(post)rights of women, platformization, post-feminism, journalism, discourse

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