La base ideológico-social de los discursos del odio misógino: una lectura cuantitativa de los hombres valencianos

48 | 2023

Joan Sanfélix Albelda*, Anastasia Téllez Infantes**

* Universitat Jaume I de Castelló, España
** Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, España

The Socio-ideological Basis of Misogynistic Hate Speech: A quantitative reading of Valencian men

This article analyzes the relationships that can be established, from a quantitative sociological perspective, between ideological orientation and the positions, opinions, and values regarding equality, feminism, gender violence, and masculinity among urban men in the Valencian Community (Spain). Based on the results of a survey, it examines how aligning with right-wing politics is associated with a higher likelihood of identifying with discourses that deny or downplay advancements in equality. Thus, it quantifies the number of men holding such positions and explores the potential relationships between ideology and the narrative within the social base of misogynistic discourses.


equality, antifeminism, masculinity, Valencian Community

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