Das margens para o ecrã: mulheres na ficção cinematográfica moçambicana

35 | 2017

Ana Cristina Pereira

Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Minho (CECS/UM), Portugal

From the margins to the screen: women in Mozambican film fiction

The singularity of the history of cinema made in Mozambique after the independence of the country has made the Mozambican cinema in recent years a target of international interest in the academy. However, there are still very few, if any, specific studies on gender in Mozambican cinema. This article is an intersectional approximation to two (2) contemporary Mozambican films: gender, race and class aspects are related in a critical discursive analysis to understand the way women are represented in today’s Mozambican cinema, and how these representations propose, or not, alternatives to the hegemonic representations of women in Mozambican society


Mozambican Cinema, Intersectionality, Sol de Carvalho, Licínio Azevedo

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22355/exaequo.2017.35.06
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