Uma sabedoria no desespero. Há que gritar aos ouvidos da aparente surdez: Somos todas Carolina!

35 | 2017

Elaine Santos

Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Wisdom in despair. Yelling at the ears of the apparent deafness: We are all Carolina!

The aim in this paper is to present the transforming poetry as a form of inspiration and denial for black and peripheral women. For this purpose, we will research Carolina Maria de Jesus works, a black poet who worked as a garbage collector in Brazil. Our aim is to evoke her silenced voice as it was silenced in unawareness. Using the sociological syntax of some of Carolina’s works as a methodological resource, we aim to revive the violence that permeated her existence as her voice remains marginalized. We affirm that besides being a garbage collector, Carolina was a revolutionary whose works deserve to be revealed!


Memory, Slam, Women, Black, Poetry

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