Entre “la mujer brava” y “el poder del moño”. Estereotipos de género y acoso sexual en el trabajo en Ecuador

49 | 2024

Ana Tamarit*, Belén Puñal**, Juan Carlos Cevallos***

* Universidad Estatal de Milagro – UNEMI, Milagro, Ecuador
** Universidad Estatal de Milagro – UNEMI, Milagro, Ecuador
*** Universidad Estatal de Milagro – UNEMI, Milagro, Ecuador

Between “the Brave Woman” and “the Power of the Bun.” Gender stereotypes and sexual harassment at work in Ecuador

This work analyzes the gender discourses detected among male and female workers in Ecuador that are the foundation of the imaginary on which sexual harassment in the workplace is based. The methodology is based on discourse analysis applied to the testimonies of sixteen discussion groups. It highlights the aggressiveness that men show towards their female coworkers and the condescension with which they justify their sexual harassment. A model of woman emerges, that of the “brave woman”, who shows a fierce character to defend herself from harassment, and which differs from the traditional stereotype of the docile and warm woman. Both men and women understand that the responsibility of setting limits lies with the female workers.


workplace harassment, sexual harassment, gender stereotypes, sexism, gender studies

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22355/exaequo.2024.49.12
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