A jangada de Fedra: a ibericidade de Natália Correia

49 | 2024

Miguel Filipe Mochila

Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras (UPRRP), San Juan, Puerto Rico

Phaedra’s Stone Raft: Natália Correia’s Iberianess

Natália Correia's extensive and deep exploration of Iberian themes in essays, interviews, and poetry establishes her as one of the most significant Iberianist figures in the latter half of the 20th century. Nevertheless, her importance is often overlooked even in Iberian Studies, an area challenging traditional nationalist views and bringing attention to typically marginalized phenomena and authorship, including recent feminist perspectives. In this context, I propose to examine Natália Correia's Iberianism. This involves considering both its cultural and geopolitical foundations, emphasizing her defense of the value of plurality, as seen in the essay Somos todos hispanos, and its connection with a feminist discourse evident in her poetic production.


Natália Correia, Iberianism, Iberianess, Iberian Studies, feminism

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22355/exaequo.2024.49.13
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