La misoginia popular como contramovimiento: estudio de la resemiotización y los discursos manipulativos como desafíos contra el feminismo

41 | 2020

Sonia Núñez Puente*, Diana Fernández Romero**

* Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, España
** Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, España

Popular Misogyny as a Countermovement: A Study of Resemiotization and Manipulative Discourses as Challenges Against Feminism

The goal of the article is to investigate the processes of the construction of discourses on feminism in Spain articulated through popular misogyny. The analysis of three case studies will allow us to reveal the discursive strategies that make possible the movement from one multimodal discourse to another, as well as the transposition of meanings attached to feminism as a social movement. Resemiotization, the analytical categories associated with manipulative discourses, specular discourse and the concepts of visibility and spectacularization constitute the methodological dimensions with which we approach the narrative of feminism constructed through popular misogyny. Finally, the discussion of the three proposed case studies reveals a specific model of countermovement based on frameworks of production of meaning linked to concepts such as «gender ideology» or the «feminazi», which popular misogyny has opposed to feminism as a critical movement as well as to the political demands linked to it.


popular misogyny, resemiotization, manipulation, countermovement, gender ideology, feminazi

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