Feminismo e republicanismo na imprensa de Portugal: incursão investigativa no jornal A Capital (1910)

46 | 2022

Charliton José dos Santos Machado*, Juliana Aparecida Lemos Lacet**

* Centro de Educação da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), João Pessoa, Brasil
** Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra (UC), Coimbra, Portugal

Feminism and Republicanism in the Portuguese Press: An investigative incursion into the newspaper A Capital (1910)

In this article, we propose an examination of the newspaper A Capital: Diário Republicano da Noite, between July and December of 1910, in order to identify and analyze the demands of feminism in Portugal in the year of the outbreak of social and political struggles resulting from the republican triumph. Based on the theoretical-methodological foundations of Cultural History and the evidential paradigm, we analyze information and opinion pieces about the actions of the Liga Republicana das Mulheres Portuguesas in this context of social and political changes. In these texts, we foreground the alliances made, as well as the conflicts and disillusions of feminism in Portugal with the republican political agenda, mainly in relation to the debate on women’s suffrage.


feminism, republicanism, press, Portugal

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22355/exaequo.2022.46.10
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