Mujeres y antifeminismo en España: una reacción desde la ultraderecha

50 | 2024

Maria Medina-Vicent

Universitat Jaume I, Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials, Departament de Filosofia i Sociologia, Castelló de la Plana, España

Women and Antifeminism in Spain: A reaction from right-wing parties

Social advances in terms of political rights and gender equality often entail conservative reactions that oppose such progress. In recent years, antifeminism has emerged globally in a vigorous manner, showing its disagreement with sexual diversity, the fight against gender violence, or quota policies, among other issues. This article will specifically address how the anti-feminist reaction is articulated in Spain, focusing on its discursive complexity and its appeal, not only to men, but also to women. Firstly, the arguments behind the Spanish anti-feminist reaction will be identified, taking Vox as a case study. Secondly, the text presents an analysis of the way in which the anti-feminist reaction is directed specifically to women, identifying the images that are mobilized by the Spanish extreme right to attract them to an anti-feminist discourse.


women, antifeminism, far-right wing, Vox, Spain

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